Field Trips
Virtual MedLab: DiabetesVirtual MedLab: Diabetes
Learn about vital signs and medical examinations while you analyze data to diagnose and understand diabetes.

About the lab
- Grades: 7-12
- Capacity: 30 students
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Live via Zoom or Google Meet
- Offered Tuesday through Friday at a flexible time based on your schedule
- No special materials needed
- Cost: $200
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices:
- Asking questions and defining problems
- Developing and using models
- Planning and carrying out investigations
- Analyzing and interpreting data
- Using mathematics and computational thinking
- Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Engaging in argument from evidence
- Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
Crosscutting Concepts:
- Patterns
- Cause and effect
- Systems and system models
- Structure and function
- Stability and change
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Middle School
LS 1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
- LS1.A: Structure and Function
- LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms
ETS2: Links among engineering, technology science and society
High School
LS 1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
- LS1.A: Structure and Function
LS 3: Heredity: inheritance and variation of traits
ETS2: Links among engineering, technology science and society
Lab goals
Students will:
- Gain a greater understanding of medicine, physiology and anatomy.
- Learn how personal choices impact community health issues.
- Gain a greater understanding of, and increased interest in, a range of health and science careers that impact community and individual health.
- Feel empowered to take initiative in improving personal, family and/or community health.
- Actively engage in inquiry-based, hands-on science investigation.
- Work collaboratively with peers.
- Communicate using terminology/vocabulary accurately.
- Analyze test results, develop a diagnosis and suggest treatment for illness.