Museum Exploration Guides

Focus your field trip with these free tools.

suggested for grades 4 - 8


Go on a hunt for patterns in the Numbers in Nature exhibit and around the Museum.

suggested for grades 3 - 5

Measurement and Models

Use this measurement guide to add another layer of interactivity to your exploration of Museum exhibits. 

Suggested for grades 4 - 8

Structure and Function

Help students gain a richer understanding of the concept of structure and function as they record observations and experiences at the Museum.

Suggested for grades 3 - 6

What is Science?

Students record their observations and experiences at the Museum and do a follow-up writing exercise in the classroom.

The Blue Paradox

Explore the pervasiveness of plastic pollution and the steps we can take to address it.

Suggested for grades 4 - 8

Science Storms

Explore the science behind some of nature's most powerful phenomena - tornadoes, waves, lightning, avalanches and more.

Suggested for grades 4 - 12

YOU! The Experience

Help students gain a richer understanding of themselves and how their mind and body work by using these resources.

Suggested for grades 4 - 12

U-505 Submarine

Prepare for your visit with insider knowledge. The Instructor's Manual includes tips, classroom lessons and extensive background information.

Suggested for grades 2 - 8

Simple Machines

Focus your field trip on simple machines found throughout the Museum with activities to do in the classroom and during your Museum visit.