Facilitated, focused, hands-on learning experiences for school groups aligned to Skyline scope and sequence and designed to Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Literacy Standards.

Led by a Griffin Museum of Science and Industry educator, Learning Labs connect with classroom curricula and are designed to promote practical, applicable, and accessible knowledge of science and engineering principles; an awareness of everyday science phenomena in students’ lives; and insight into STEAM career pathways.

We can accommodate most students with special needs such as learning ability, language or physical ability.

Let the Museum come to you! We are proud to bring hands-on, standards-based science programs right to your school, library, community center, etc. Museum educators will bring the materials and facilitate a 45-60 minute learning lab in your space for up to 35 learners.

offsite: Grades 4-8

Mobile Chem Lab

Combine chemicals and witness amazing reactions.

offsite: Grades 6-12

Mobile MedLab

Measure vital signs and learn what they can tell you about a patient.

offsite: Grades 4-8

Mobile Crime Lab

Analyze pieces of evidence as a specialized forensic scientist.

offsite: Grades 3-6

Mobile Water Lab

Test the health of our most valuable resource – our drinking water.

offsite: Grades 5-8

Mobile Mars 2040

Plan a trip to Mars in time for the first crewed flight to the Red Planet.

offsite: Grades 3-5

Mobile Weather Wise

Learn how important patterns are in predicting weather.

Griffin MSI can bring our Learning Labs to your classrooms virtually with facilitated and focused learning experiences designed to engage and inspire your students! Our Virtual Learning Labs provide accessible and flexible options for educators and offer a wide range of activities, regardless of distance and time. Virtual Learning Labs (except Live from the Heart) are $200 per session.

online: Grades 4-8

Virtual Crime Lab

Solve a crime with fingerprint analysis, chromatography, white powder analysis and more.

online: Grades 3-5

Virtual Weather Wise

Explore atmospheric phenomena and learn how scientists predict weather.

online: Grades 5-8

Virtual Mars 2040

Learn how NASA plans to get the first manned mission to Mars by the year 2040.

Online: Grades 9-12

Live from the Heart

Go live into the operating room to watch heart surgery and learn about careers.

online: Grades 7-12

Virtual MedLab: Diabetes

Learn about vital signs and medical examinations while you analyze data to diagnose and understand diabetes.

Learning Labs at Griffin MSI

In-person Learning Labs at Griffin MSI are available to reserve upon request. For more information, please contact us.