Developing YOUth! Project

Measuring the long-term impact of a STEM-based out-of-school time program

Museum of Science and Industry exterior from across the lagoon

Research Advisory Board

The following members serve as an advisory board, providing feedback and expertise on all facets of the project.

Aerika Brittian Loyd, Ph.D. (University of Illinois, Chicago)

Dr. Loyd is Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology. Her research examines how individual (ethnic-racial identity, coping) and contextual-level factors (racial discrimination) affect African-American and Latino youths’ development.

Angela Calabrese Barton, Ph.D. (Michigan State University)

Dr. Barton is currently Co-Editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and has extensive research experience on issues of equity and social justice in science education, with a particular emphasis on the urban context. Drawing from qualitative and critical/feminist methodologies, she has extensive experience conducting ethnographic and case study research in urban community settings.  

Anita Krishnamurthi, Ph.D. (Afterschool Alliance)

Dr. Krishnamurthi is Vice President for STEM Policy at the Afterschool Alliance, where she works to advance federal and state policies, research and strategic partnerships to support high-quality STEM programming in after-school programs. One of her current projects is leading the Afterschool STEM Hub, which serves as a think tank of key leaders in the field providing strategic vision and direction for advocacy, communications and research-based policy recommendations.  

Hee-Sun Lee, Ph.D. (Concord Consortium)

Dr. Lee is a Senior Research Scientist whose main areas include developing valid and reliable assessment instruments in science education, technology-enhanced curriculum design and research, and data analytics and automated feedback in online learning environments. She is currently a co-PI on four NSF science education research projects.

Ou Lydia Liu, Ph.D. (Education Testing Service)

Dr. Ou Lydia Liu is Senior Director of Research in Higher Education at the Educational Testing Service and assumes overall responsibility for research in higher education at ETS. Dr. Liu has conducted extensive research in student learning outcomes assessment. She is also a PI or co-PI on four NSF-funded grants on innovative science assessment and automated scoring. 

Dale McCreedy, Ph.D. (Discovery Center)

Dr. McCreedy is Vice President of Audience and Community Engagement at the Discovery Center at Murfree Spring in Murfreesboro, Tenn. In her almost 30 years in the field, she has forged national and regional collaborations focused on cultivating girls and women’s science exploration, building facilitator capacity in science teaching, and promoting family and parent engagement in children's science learning.

Margaret Glass, Ph.D. (Association of Science-Technology Centers)

Dr. Glass is the Director of Professional Development for the Association of Science-Technology Centers. She leads projects and programs that design training, learning experiences and professional support for informal science learning practitioners. Her work focuses on connecting science centers and museums to other education stakeholders, building strategic alliances that benefit the field of informal science learning and the public.