

Below is a selected list of recent publications.

  • Nguyen, C. L., & Price, C. A. (2023, April 6). Transition Points: Snapshots of a STEM Journey. Chicago: Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. (Link)
  • LaForce, M., Price, C. A., Mast, F., Brunson, F., Easterly, K. A., Decoteau, J. I. … & Vaishampayan, V. (2023). Fusing Equity in Whole School STEM Reform. Chicago: Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. (Link)
  • Lee, H., Price, C. A., Applebaum, L., Coleman, A., DeWitt, J., Miller, A., … Tanner, A. (2023, January 7). One but Not the Same: Non-Science Art in Science Education. Retrieved from (Link)
  • Price, C. A. & Applebaum, L. (2021). Measuring welcoming and a sense of belonging in museums. Curator: The Museum Journal. doi: 10.1111/cura.12454 (Link)
  • Staus, N. L., Falk, J. H., Price, C. A., Tai, R. H. & Dierking, L. D. (2021). Measuring the long-term effects of informal education experiences: Challenges and potential solutions. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research. doi: 10.1186/s43031-021-00031-0 (Link)
  • Greenslit, J., Price, C. A., Malone, T. (2021).  Aesthetic dissonance: The impact of viewing fine art in a science museum. Journal of Museum Education, 46(2), 202-215. doi: 10.1080/10598650.2021.1882178 (Link)
  • Applebaum, L., Price, C. A., Foster, A. (2021). How collaborative and competitive facilitation styles affect energy literacy in a science museum exhibit. Journal of Museum Education, 46(1), 113-126. doi: 10.1080/10598650.2020.1858268 (Link)
  • Price, C. A., Greenslit, J., Applebaum, L., Segovia, G., Harris, N. Quinn, K. A., & Krogh-Jespersen, S. (2021). Awe & memories of learning in science and art museums. Visitor Studies. doi: 10.1080/10645578.2021.1907152 (Link)
  • Mroczkowski, A., Price, C.A , Harris, N. & Skeeles-Worley, A. (2021). Youths’ perceptions of features of a museum-based youth development program that create a supportive community context: A qualitative case study. Journal of Adolescent Development. doi: 10.1177/0743558420985462 (Link)
  • Krogh-Jespersen S, Quinn KA, Krenzer WLD, Nguyen C, Greenslit J, Price CA (2020) Exploring the awe-some: Mobile eye-tracking insights into awe in a science museum. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239204. (Link)
  • Gloria Segovia, Brett Nicholas, Christine Nguyen, and C. Aaron Price (2020). Facilitator Affect in a Drop-In, Teen-Led Community Service Learning Program. (PDF)
  • Falk, J. H, Koke, J., Price, C. A. & Pattison, S. (2018). Investigating the cascading, long term effects of informal science education experiences report. Beaverton, Oregon: Institute for Learning Innovation. (PDF)
  • Price, C. A. & Vaishampayan, G. (2018, October). Motivations and Evidence for Science Center-Based Teacher Education. Poster session presented at the Association of Science and Technology Centers, Hartford, CT. (PDF)
  • Price, C. A. & Chiu, A. (2018). An experimental study of a museum-based, science PD program’s impact on teachers and their students. International Journal of Science Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2018.1457816 (PDF)
  • Price, C. A., Kares, F. K., Segovia, G. & Lloyd, A. B. (2018). Staff Matter: Gender differences in STEM career interest development in adolescent youth. Applied Developmental Science. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10888691.2017.1398090 (PDF)
  • Price, C. A., Gean, K. G., Christenson, C. G., Behesti, E., Pernot, B., et al. (2016). Casual Games and Casual Learning about Human Biological Systems. Journal of Science Education and
    , 25, 1. (Link)
  • Price, C. A., Gean, K. G., & Barnes, H. (2015). The effect of live interpretation with theatre on attitudes and learning of children in the Mythbusters exhibit. Journal of Museum Education, 40, 2. (PDF)
  • Chiu, A., Price, C.A., & Ovrahim, E. (2015). Chicago-Area K-8 Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of STEM Education. Chicago: Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. (PDF)
  • Chiu, A., Price, C.A., & Ovrahim, E. (2015). Supporting Elementary and Middle School STEM Education at the Whole School Level: A review of the literature. Chicago: Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. (PDF)
  • Segovia, G. & Pernot, B. (2015). Demographic differences between museum-based fab lab attendees and non-attendees. Poster presented at the 2015 Conference of the Visitor Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN. (PDF)
  • Price, C. A., Pernot, B., Segovia, G. & Gean, K. (2015). Engineering attitudes, habits of mind and design awareness in a fab lab maker space summer camp. Paper presented at the 2015 conference of the National Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, IL. (PDF)