
Play the role of a medical intern as you help the supervising doctor to diagnose and treat patients.


Hedlin, G., & Freyschuss, U. (1984). Cardiac output and blood pressure in asthmatic children before and during induced asthma. Acta Paediatrica, 73(4), 441-447.

  • Study showing increase in cardiac output and maintenance of systemic vascular resistance (SVR) in children during induced asthma attacks. Blood pressure = cardiac output x SVR. Therefore, blood pressure increases during asthma attacks.

CV Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts, Systemic Vascular Resistance. 

  • Formulas for calculating SVR and Mean Arterial Pressure (blood pressure).

Mayo Clinic, Patient Care & Health Info, Asthma.

  • Information on asthma.

Jarvinen, K. A. (1957). Fluctuation of Arterial Blood Pressure in Asthma. British medical journal, 1(5031), 1328.

  • Study showing that blood pressure fluctuates during asthma attacks, increasing above normal during exhalation.

Mihatsch, W., Geelhoed, G. C., Landau, L. I., & LeSouef, P. N. (1990). Time course of change in oxygen saturation and peak expiratory flow in children admitted to hospital with acute asthma. Thorax, 45(6), 438-441.

  • Study of oxygen saturation (SpO2) values during asthma attack and recovery. SpO2 decreases.

Garrard, C. S., Seidler, A., McKibben, A., McAlpine, L. E., & Gordon, D. (1992). Spectral analysis of heart rate variability in bronchial asthma. Clinical Autonomic Research, 2(2), 105-111.

  • Heart rate during asthma attacks is typically increased.

Smith, PHILIP L., et al. "Physiologic manifestations of human anaphylaxis." Journal of Clinical Investigation 66.5 (1980): 1072.

  • Study of 11 anaphylaxis patients focused on physiological responses (blood pressure). BP is normal in most patients and low (hypotension) in some.

Public Health Statistics - Asthma hospitalizations in Chicago, by year, 2000 - 2011. City of Chicago.

  • Reports 3,321 asthma hospitalizations in 2013.

Asthma in Chicago: Disparities, Perspectives and Interventions. Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago.

    • Reports 439,516 diagnosed with asthma in Chicago. Just under 8.4% of the population.