A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature

More Information

Hosting Requirements

Size: 6,000 to 8,000 square feet, modular.

Marketing Resources

With the exhibition rental, institutions will receive a robust kit of marketing resources created by the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry.

Educational Materials

Created to support the Next Generation Science Standards, teacher field trip resources and online programming will offer valuable in-depth content tailored to student audiences.

Exhibit Tour

Fall 2022 and beyond
Inquire for availability

Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Summer 2021

Frost Miami
Fall 2019 – Fall 2020

Telus Science World
Winter 2019 – Summer 2019

Springs Preserve
Fall 2018 – Winter 2019

Arizona Science Center
Summer 2018 – Fall 2018

Museum of Science Boston
Winter 2018 – Spring 2018

The Franklin Institute
Summer 2019 – Fall 2018

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