A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature

Patterns surround us in nature.

They’ll tell you how our planet works, if you know where to find them. They form the veins of a leaf, the spiral of a nautilus, and the spots on a giraffe. Patterns also inspire human creation: some arrangements just … feel right. The key to unlocking these patterns is math.

A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature, an interactive and immersive exhibit created by the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry, is the solution for those who say math “isn’t their thing.”

Do the math, see the patterns.

Guests will pass a display of images from nature and hidden patterns will emerge. They’ll see more examples in a large-screen film. When they enter the mirror maze, they’ll step inside a massive pattern: a dizzying, seemingly infinite sea of triangles to navigate in order to find the secrets inside … including the way out. The journey is completed in an interactive gallery where they’ll uncover the patterns in their own bodies and in centuries of music, art, and architecture.

It's a math experience that's hardly by the numbers.

Where else could guests explore math and science as they laugh and feel their way through a maze? Numbers in Nature will change the way they look at the world and have them falling in love with math—without the calculator!

The mirror maze was such a hit for our kids we went through it again and again.Exhibit Guest

Exhibit Trailer

Watch a short video for an inside look at the Numbers in Nature exhibit.

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Exhibit Floor Plan

See what an example floor plan looks like.

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Exhibit Highlights

Explore all exhibit components, from the mirror maze to the immersive theater.

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More Information

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