
This conference was held April 5-7, 2022. Click here for the conference report white paper.

APRIL 6–7, 2022

Exploring the Use of Non-Science Themed Art in Science Education


Tuesday, April 5


  • Welcome reception at the conference hotel

Day One: Wednesday, April 6


  • Welcome remarks and discussion of how attendees think non-science art can influence science education and what evidence is needed
  • Literature Review: Presentation of studies of non-science art in science education (Chaired by Dr. Aaron Price)
  • Perspectives from Practitioners: Session on arts-based experiential learning within nursing and medical education (Chaired by Alexa Miller and Dr. Meg Moorman)


  • Your Brain on Art: Session on the neuroscience research around how art influences cognition (Chaired by Dr. Jeffrey K. Smith)
  • Museum exploration break
  • Your Brain on Science: Session on the current state of cognitive research on science learning (Chaired by Dr. Ann Tanner)

Day Two: Thursday, April 7


  • Brainstorming and reflection session, beginning to identify research questions
  • Art and Broadening Perspectives I: Discussion of how art can lead guests to think more broadly about cultural identities and assumptions (Chaired by Amber Coleman)
  • Art and Broadening Perspectives II: Discussion of explicit and implicit stereotypes of science and scientists, and how art may prime guests to be more open about what science is and who can be scientists (Chaired by Dr. Aaron Price and Amber Coleman)


  • Session on developing research questions for the field with three audiences in mind: science educators, art educators, and artists (Chaired by Dr. Jen DeWitt)
  • Brainstorming session on which research methodologies may be used in these projects (Chaired by Dr. Jen DeWitt)
  • Closing remarks

After the Conference

A white paper synthesizing the conclusions of the conference will be published here, along with transcripts of key conversations.

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