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artifact quiz

Kangaroo Cup

If you said cup, you’re right. It was made by Lily Born who hated seeing her grandfather, suffering from Parkinson’s disease, unable to hold a cup without spilling. She was only 7 years old, but knew she could help solve this problem for her grandfather and other people just like him. Lily challenged herself to create the non-spill Kangaroo cup, testing her ideas and getting input from others. At only 11 years old, she launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund her company, Imagiroo. She serves as an inspiration to younger inventors and has said, “Just because you’re a kid doesn’t mean you can’t do big and great things.” To date, her company has sold tens of thousands of cups worldwide and donated many more to organizations that help adults and children with mobility issues.

This whole process did not happen overnight, however. Lily went through many prototypes to get from her first sketch to the final cup, improving the design with each step. Her first prototype used simple crafting materials. After making this clay version of the anti-spill cup in a pottery class, she began working with ceramic producers in China to bring the cup to market. 3D printing allowed her and her team to quickly prototype design changes. Lily’s work isn’t done, and she continues to improve on the design based on her customers’ feedback.

On with the quiz!