Corporate and Foundation Support
Corporate SponsorshipCorporate Sponsorship
Griffin MSI offers numerous opportunities for companies to sponsor exhibits, spaces, events, programs and initiatives.

A sponsorship at Griffin MSI delivers a high level of brand visibility to create greater exposure and engagement with your key audiences and generates significant goodwill among the community in support of the Museum’s broad outreach and commitment to science education.
Sponsorship at the Museum provides a real and significant return on investment. For example, Envy Apples took on a leading sponsorship role during the 2021 Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light event. The positive association with Griffin MSI as well as a presence in retailers, radio spots and billboards was reflected in the bottom line: sales for the season grew from -10% to more than +125%, and ROI exceeding triple-digits!
Connecting Your Company to a Proud Legacy
The Griffin Museum of Science and Industry has stood as a champion for science and learning since its founding in 1933. Over the past nine decades, Griffin MSI has cemented its reputation for inspiring the inventive genius in everyone by becoming the largest science museum in the Western Hemisphere. Museums throughout North America have welcomed Griffin MSI exhibits, and we are one of Chicago's best-known and most-visited tourist attractions. Griffin MSI has steadfastly pursued a goal of motivating children to achieve their full potential in science, technology, medicine and engineering, and has cultivated relationships with schools throughout Chicagoland and extending into North Central Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.
Making an Impact Beyond Dollars, A Comprehensive Partnership
Messaging at Griffin MSI has enormous visibility within the building and beyond. The Museum hosts on average 1.4 million guests in its historic building every year. The website welcomed 2.7 million individual visitors in 2021, and mentions and impressions on TV, radio and in newspapers reach almost 3.5 million people as part of the nation’s third-largest designated media market. The Museum also has a fast-growing presence on social media with over 265,000 followers on Facebook, nearly 61,000 on Instagram and a Twitter following surpassing 38,000.
Reaping the Rewards
In addition to the high visibility and credibility associated with sponsorship at Griffin MSI, we provide a number of concrete benefits that demonstrate our appreciation for your support and which provide your company with access to the Museum's wonders. These can include blocks of tickets for your employees, private events and VIP access, a high-profile role at special events, a dedicated Corporate Family Day and unique volunteer opportunities.
Sponsorship Opportunities
When you become an Griffin MSI sponsor, you join a partnership with an iconic and influential institution with Chicago impact and worldwide reach. There are many ways to lend your name to our efforts, including:

Temporary Exhibitions
