Griffin MSI Experts and Scientists Available to Media

The Griffin Museum of Science and Industry offers a variety of experts in science, STEM education, exhibition development and administration that are available to the media for general interviews and topical commentary.

The Museum’s Education Initiatives are a great resource for those working on stories about the need for improvement in our country’s STEM education and what organizations like museums can do to improve it.

Griffin MSI also offers a demonstration team who can bring science concepts to life by planning a fun and compelling hands-on science segment for broadcast media.

To book an interview


president and ceo

Dr. Chevy Humphrey

Content expertise: museums as educational resources, leadership in the 21st century, connecting with diverse communities

senior exhibit developer

Dr. Olivia Castellini

Content expertise: physics, materials science, quantum mechanics, microscopy, women in science, communicating science to the public

Chief Learning and Community Partnership Officer

Dr. Jessica Chavez

Content expertise: organizational leadership, science education, community outreach

Content expertise: history of science and technology, history of astronomy/space sciences, women/gender in the history of science and technology, artifact biography

director of science and technology

Dr. Patricia Ward

Content expertise: genetics, personalized medicine, cell biology, immune systems, exhibit technology, women in science