75 Facts
Life Ashore75 Facts About the U-505

Life Ashore
Captain Daniel Gallery wrestled for the U.S. in the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium.
Gallery gave Harald Lange his binoculars back in the 1964 reunion at Griffin MSI. When Lange died in 1967, his wife donated them to the U-boat archives in Germany, where they are on display today. They are the only set of U-505 binoculars not in the Griffin MSI collection. (video/photo)
Gallery established the first all-American and the only military steel band in 1957.
The Tenth Naval District Steel Band-or Admiral Dan's Pandemoniacs-became the U.S. Navy Steel Band, touring the world as ambassadors of the U.S. Navy until 1999.
Admiral Dan's Pandemoniacs performed at the World's Fair in Brussels.
After assuming command of the Caribbean Sea Frontier-with additional duty as Commandant of the Tenth Naval District, with headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico-Daniel Gallery was the Commissioner of Little League Baseball for Latin America.
Daniel Gallery had six thousand hours flying time in all types of naval aircraft, including single-seat jets.
Gallery wrote several books, including Clear the Decks, Twenty Million Tons Under the Sea, Now Hear This and Cap'n Fatso.
After the war, the U-505's first captain worked his way from a farm hand to saw mill manager, before finally becoming a housing development executive.
Rear Admiral Daniel Gallery attended St. Ignatius High School in Chicago prior to his appointment in 1917 to the U.S. Naval Academy
Captain Gallery assumed command of the USS Hancock in 1945, in time to be present during the surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bay.
The USS Gallery was commissioned in 1981 and was named after the Rear Admiral and his two brothers Philip and William, all three of whom served in WWII.
At the end of the war, 153 U-boats were transferred to the Allies in British or Allied ports, and 215 boats were scuttled or blown up by their crews.