Great HallGreat Hall

Outside, above the Great Hall, is the good fairy extending a warm welcome to Fairyland. Just below her, there are figures of Cinderella, Prince Charming, and the Wicked Stepmother. The floating staircase in the center of the room has no railings because fairy folk balance themselves with their wings.
The ceiling of the Great Hall is painted with scenes from fairy tales. Over the door, at the back of the hall, is a bas-relief portraying the Pied Piper of Hamelin, with children climbing up the wall to reach him. The knights in armor, flanking each side of the door, are silver and came from the collection of Rudolph Valentino, a famous motion picture actor. The tall glass windows at the rear are etched to depict the stories of "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "The Princess and the Seven Swans."
Within the roped-off sections lie treasures of Fairyland. To the left, on a low rosewood table, rest Cinderella's glass slippers. These delicate slippers are hollow with high heels and adorned with tiny red glass bows. Beneath the glass bell jar, you'll find the tiny chairs of the three bears, perched atop pins, with the largest chair weighing only 1/150,000th of an ounce!
Many items in the Great Hall are very old. For example, in the back right corner of the room, there is a bust of a woman on a green pedestal, dating back 2,500 years to ancient Rome. On a table to the left side of the Great Hall, are three statues of the Goddess Isis, which are more than 4,000 years old.
In the center of the Great Hall, there is a pedestal bearing a nest filled with golden eggs, accompanied by a goose. The eggs were, of course, stolen from the Giant by Jack. On the Battersea enameled table next to the pedestal, there is a small pistol that can actually shoot.
As you proceed around the corner, pause to gaze through the clear glass at the center of the chapel window. You will see the altar and a small tabernacle. On top the tabernacle is a beautiful golden sunburst, with a glass container at the center holding a sliver of the true cross. This item was gifted to Colleen by her friend Clare Booth Luce, who served as Ambassador to Italy and received the relic during her first audience with the Pope.