Hungary to Luxembourg
Trees and Traditions
In Hungary, painted heart-shaped cookies are a traditional Christmas tree staple, along with colored glass ornaments, Hungarian candy, apples, and pears. You can see these represented on this tree in addition to handmade felt ornaments in Hungary’s national colors of red, white and green. Szaloncukor (popular Hungarian sweets) and chocolates are also used as decorations. Beneath the tree, you’ll find Hungarian dolls. In Hungary, the tree is decorated in the evening on December 24, and kids are not allowed in the room where the tree stands until they have heard a ringing bell. Presents are opened on Christmas Eve.
Tree decorated by Ildiko Lee and her helpers.
The church and farmhouse are replicas of Þingvellir National Park, a historic site of geological significance known for the Alþing, the oldest parliament in the world, starting in 930. The hand-knitted spherical ornaments feature traditional wool sweater (lopapeysa) patterns and represent Icelanders' love of sheep and the popular pastime of knitting. Thirteen days before Christmas, 13 pranksters, known as jólasveinar, descend from the mountains to trick, steal, and cause trouble. Their names tell their mischief: Candle-Begger, Door-Slammer, Bowl-Licker, Window-Peeper. Today, children put a shoe in the window to receive a small gift from the now mellow-minded yule lads.
This tree was decorated by the Icelandic Association of Chicago.
This tree features traditional hand-crafted ornaments reflecting Indian culture and made by Indian artists. India's Christian community celebrates Christmas by attending midnight mass. In the weeks prior to Christmas, groups of people visit the homes of other Christians singing Christmas carols. Carolers are often welcomed in and offered refreshments. Christians decorate their homes with ornate nativity scenes and lights. Many Indians also hang a star on the front of their homes until January 6, the Feast of the Three Kings. On Christmas Day, children are given small presents, and family members exchange Christmas sweets with close friends and each other.
Tree decorated by the India Catholic Association of America.
Look closely at this tree to see red tools tied in green ribbon and pinecones—a tribute to the thousands of volunteers who have contributed millions of hours to the remodeling of the Irish American Heritage Center. Other ornaments represent important Irish symbols such as mistletoe, holly, thatched cottages, Celtic crosses, angels, Claddagh rings, Irish flags, shamrocks representing the Trinity, teacups, and harps. No Christmas dinner in Ireland would be complete without crackers, brightly colored foil tubes that are popped open just before dinner. They are filled with silly hats and toys, and families wear the hats throughout dinner.
Tree decorated by the Irish American Heritage Society.
In Italian culture, food, family gatherings, and religion are integral to the holiday season. Christmas is celebrated starting in December until January 6 (Epiphany). The tree is adorned with festive holiday decorations, colors representing the Italian flag, symbolic cultural icons, and various religious symbols of Christmas. Little puppet ornaments depict the children's literary classic Pinocchio, created by Italian author Carlo Lorenzini. The Vespa "wasp" scooter represents one of Italy's most famous cultural transportation icons. Wine is a cultural staple of meals and gatherings dating back to ancient Rome. Most importantly, some handmade ornaments by Nonna (Grandma) display lifelong family memories.
This tree was decorated by the Romano family and friends.
Italy (crèche)
The history of the crèche dates to Christmas 1223 in the town of Greccio, Italy, when St. Francis of Assisi organized a pageant with actors and animals to recreate the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. This tradition continues today, especially in France and Italy.
Committee of Italian Americans. The crèche is from the DiNello Family collection. Display by Greg DiNello.
Rather than a religious celebration, Christmas in Japan is celebrated as a way to spread happiness. The ornaments on our Japanese tree represent Japanese traditional culture and craftsmanship. Temari (handballs with geometric patterns with colorful threads) are all done by hand. Origami (the art of folding paper) showcases pieces of Japanese culture and history, including Orizuru (paper cranes), Washi-Ningyou (paper dolls in traditional Japanese dress called kimonos), Kusudama (origami unit balls), and Kabuto (Samurai-warrior's helmet).
Tree decorated by JASC's Tampopo-kai, the Japanese Cultural Program for Preschoolers.
Republic of Kenya
The ornaments on this tree represent traditional Kenyan toys for boys and girls. These include musical instruments, dolls, cars, cycles, and balls for Kenyan sports—football (called soccer in the United States), rugby, and baseball. The clothing of the dolls reflects traditional Kenyan dress, and the handmade vehicles reflect materials from Kenya. The tree topper represents "Father Christmas," the figure we call "Santa Claus" in the United States. In Kenya, Christmas time includes large family gatherings, feasts, and travel to the rural areas or family villages. December is also a popular time for weddings.
Tree decorated by Team Kenya.
Korea’s Christmas tree is beautifully decorated with handmade paper ornaments (종이접기), including Bokjumeoni (traditional pouches) and Deung (traditional lanterns). These ornaments are crafted from a variety of materials, such as Korean patterned paper, newspaper, and fabric, showcasing intricate designs that reflect Korean artistry. Christmas became a national holiday in Korea in 1945. While it is not celebrated as prominently as in the West, Koreans use this time to gather with friends and family. The holiday serves as an opportunity for connection and warmth during the winter season.
Tree decorated by the HANA Center.
Latvian ornaments and decorations are traditionally made from natural and readily available materials. This tree features many puzuri (straw ornaments) that are threaded into geometric shapes. Also, there are prievītes (ribbon woven with ethnic designs), cranberry garlands, pinecones, apples, and nuts. Handmade dolls are dressed in folk costumes. White lights and candles adorn the tree. On Christmas Eve, families gather around the Christmas tree and sing folk carols. Later, Ziemassvētku Vecītis (Old Man Winterfest or Father Christmas), a stern-looking man with a long white beard, may bring gifts for good children or brushwood switches for lazy or unmindful ones.
Tree decorated by the Krišjānis Barons Latvian School of Chicago.
Lebanon’s ornaments are doves to symbolize peace, pinecones to symbolize eternity and to represent cedar trees native to Lebanon, and white snowflakes to symbolize serenity. A few weeks before Christmas in Lebanon, people plant beans, peas, wheat and lentil seeds. With the newly sprouted plants, Christians then decorate a manger in nativity scenes. At Christmastime, people visit one another’s homes, where they indulge in sugared almonds with coffee and liquor. The main Christmas meal consists of roast beef, chicken, rice, and kibbeh, which is made of crushed wheat mixed with meat, onions, salt, and pepper. On Christmas Eve, after midnight mass, Papa Noel (Santa) leaves presents for the children underneath the Christmas tree.
Tree decorated by Nelly Nagib and family.
Lithuania is an agricultural country, and original Christmas decorations were created with what was found in the farming fields. To symbolize the wheat and rye straw that were used for these decorations, white drinking straws are woven into intricate patterns. The sturdier material provides more design opportunities and gives a snowflake-like look to the tree. Before Christmas Eve, Lithuanian homes are cleaned from top to bottom, including fresh bed linens and baths for everyone. Kúcios (the Christmas Eve feast) includes a generous nine to 12 meatless courses. Straw is placed beneath the tablecloth to symbolize the manger where Christ was born.
Tree decorated by family and friends of Bernice Kasarski, Lucille VeSota, and Wanda Radavich.
Apples and pinecones are traditional Christmas decorations in Luxembourg while red, white, and blue are the colors of the nation's flag. There is no Santa Claus in Luxembourg at Christmastime. However, St. Nicolas Day is celebrated on December 6. In the week before this date, children put their slippers in front of their bedroom doors, expecting them to be filled with a small gift by St. Nicolas during the night. On the eve of St. Nicolas Day, children leave a plate on the kitchen or dining room table overnight, which St. Nicolas fills with sweets and gifts. Most people put their trees up either on December 23 or 24 and keep them up until the first week in January. Some families attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Traditional foods include blood sausage (Traipen), mashed potatoes, applesauce, and mulled wine (Gluwain).
Tree decorated by the Luxembourg Brotherhood of America.