Gear up for two days of robotics events!
Celebrate National Robotics Week with Griffin MSI at our annual Robot Block Party! The event will feature cool 'bots and mecha-stars presented by area robotics groups, including robotics teams from Northwestern University, University of Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute of Chicago.
Learn what these incredible inventions can do and how they do it. You'll discover the many ways robots are increasingly becoming part of everyday life.
Interact with technology including:
- Programmable swarmbots that mimic swarming insects and flocking birds
- Noodlebot, a soft-body robot that learns how to crawl solely from physical interaction with the ground
- A robotic wheelchair created through a collaboration between Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
- Baxter, a humanoid robot that mimics the arm gestures of guests
- The Museum's very own PARO, a robotic baby seal used for therapy for its calming effects on patients
All activities are included in Museum Entry.