Commemorating 15 Years of DNA Sequencing

National DNA Days

Events April 21–29, 2018

Celebrate one of the biggest achievements in the history of science—the complete sequencing of our DNA.

National DNA Days at the Museum commemorates anniversaries of huge significance: the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 as well as the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953. To honor these important scientific discoveries, we’re offering expanded DNA programming from April 21 through 29!

A girl and a chaperone smile at the baby chicks in their hatchery.

DNA is a living code: all living creatures—from plants to humans—are connected and defined by the DNA inside each of our cells. Year-round, we celebrate the importance of genetics to our families, health, and society in the Genetics: Decoding Life exhibition.

During National DNA Days, we’ll be offering See Your Own DNA live science experiences, DNA model making in our Fab Lab, and special programming with scientists from the University of Chicago!

See the schedule

Most National DNA Days activities are included in Museum Entry.
Fab Lab workshops require an additional timed-entry ticket.