your order


Thank you for your order, {{ identity_first_name }}!

{{#if intro}}

{{ intro }}

{{/if }}

We look forward to your visit to the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. Please show a digital or printed version of these tickets at the Museum.


See Know Before You Go for more visit planning.

Ticket #:
{{ scan_code }}
View Tickets Online


Order Summary

Griffin Museum of Science and Industry
5700 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60637
Order #: {{ ticket_order_number }}
{{#ifNotEqual "N/A" event_templates.[0].event_sessions.[0].start_datetime}}Visit Date: {{ formatDateTime event_templates.[0].event_sessions.[0].start_datetime_raw "Monday, Jan _2 2006" }}{{/ifNotEqual}} {{#if event_templates.[0].event_template_meta.is_group}}
{{#each event_templates.[0].additional_info as |data type|}} {{#each data as |value label|}} {{ label }}: {{ value }}
{{/each}} {{/each}} {{/if}}
{{ identity_name }} {{#if organization}}{}{{/if}}
{{#if identity_meta.address}} {{ identity_meta.address }}
{{ }}, {{ identity_meta.state }} {{ identity_meta.zip_code }} {{ else }} {{ identity_email }}
{{ }} {{/if}}
{{#if identity_meta.address}}
{{ identity_email }}
{{ }} {{/if}}
{{#each event_templates}} {{#each event_sessions}} {{/each}} {{/each}}
{{ ../event_template_name }} - {{ formatDateTime start_datetime_raw "Jan _2" }} - {{#ifEqual "date-only" ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time }}{{ ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time_text }}{{/ifEqual}}{{#ifNotEqual "date-only" ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time }}{{ start_time }}{{/ifNotEqual}} {{#each tickets_summary}} {{/each}}
{{ "count" }}x {{ ticket_group_name }} {{ ticket_type_name }} @ {{#ifNotEqual single_price single_adjusted_price}}${{ single_price }} {{/ifNotEqual}}${{ single_adjusted_price }} ${{ row_adjusted_price }}
Total price: ${{ total_price }}
{{#if discounts }}
{{#each discounts}} {{/each}}
{{ name }} ${{ discount }}
{{/if}} {{#if payments.[0].amount}}
{{#each payments}} {{/each}}
{{ formatDateTime occurred_on_raw "Jan _2 2006" }}: {{ paymentMethod name }} ${{ amount }}
Total payments: ${{ total_payments }}
{{/if}} {{#each payments}} {{#if receipt}}
{{ receipt.receiptType }} {{ receipt.transactionType }} {{ receipt.amountAndCurrency }}, {{ }}, {{ receipt.time }}, {{ receipt.statusText }}, {{#each receipt.paymentDetails }} {{ label }}: {{ value }}, {{/each}} {{#each receipt.clearingDetails }} {{ label }}: {{ value }} {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{#if event_templates.[0].event_template_meta.is_group}} {{ else }}

Your Tickets

{{#each event_templates}} {{#each event_sessions}} {{#each tickets}}
Griffin MSI Chicago
{{ ../event_template_name }}
{{#ifEqual "date-only" ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time }}{{ ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time_text }}{{/ifEqual}}{{#ifNotEqual "date-only" ../event_template_meta.ticket_date_time }}{{ start_time }}{{/ifNotEqual}}{{#if ../event_template_meta.ticket_instructions}}*{{/if}}
{{ formatDateTime start_datetime_raw "Jan _2, 2006" }}
{{ ticket_group_name }} {{ ticket_type_name }}
${{ ticket_adjusted_price }}
{{#if ../event_template_meta.sponsor_logo}} {{ else }}
Ticket #:
{{ scan_code }}
{{#if ../event_template_meta.ticket_instructions}}
Note: {{../event_template_meta.ticket_instructions}}
{{/if}} {{/each}} {{/each}} {{/each}}

By using this ticket and entering the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry (“Griffin MSI”), you, as the holder of this ticket, on behalf of yourself and any minor accompanying you (“You”), agree to be bound by these terms and other terms found at


This ticket is a revocable license for entry to Griffin MSI which may be revoked without refund if you do not comply with the terms. This ticket is valid only for the date and time printed and cannot be resold.


By entering Griffin MSI, You agree to be photographed, filmed or otherwise recorded and hereby grant Griffin MSI permission in perpetuity, without payment to You, the right to use Your image, likeness, name and voice in such photos, footage or recordings (“Images”) for any lawful purpose in its discretion, including for fundraising and advertising, in any form of media including social media. You waive any privacy and publicity interests You may have in such Images. Please be advised that video surveillance cameras are in use throughout Griffin MSI.