Learning Lab: Design Engineering

Engineers are problem solvers. Try solving the problem of how to get over the river!
You will need something to plan with:
- Markers or pencils
- A piece of paper
Something to build with! Consider things like:
- Pencils, spaghetti, playing cards, paper
- Tape, rubber bands, hair bands
- Ruler
A testing station:
- 3 cans
- 2 books and a can
This engineering goal is the first test of our new digital approach: turning our in-person science labs into virtual content that can be accessed by teachers and families to continue inspiring science learning while school fieldtrips are on hold. We are working to provide the same rigorous content in a format that can be viewed online, downloaded, or printed, to account for all the different levels of internet access our students may have. We will work toward transcribing videos and providing Spanish translations of our lessons to make sure they are available to all learners. And, of course, we are making sure that all activities can be done with low cost materials regularly found at home.