Griffin MSI De-myths-ified

There are a lot of amazing facts about Griffin MSI.
These aren't some of them.

Fake "Ooohs"

When you've been around since 1933, there's time for some crazy stories about you to develop—even if you have to make them up yourself. We'll debunk the most outrageous stories about us that nobody has actually ever heard.

While this story does occasionally surface, the U-505 does not. This submarine's submerging days are done.

No matter how many times you say you’re “feeling a little tropical," facilitators at the Science Storms 40-foot vortex will NOT add a coconut scent.

The Great Train Story has many miniature "easter egg" scenes. A tiny recreation of Comiskey Park's infamous 1979 “Disco Demolition" night is not one of them.

Also, the mirrors are not made of corn. Even shined to an impossible degree, corn provides a poor reflective surface. Trust us.

Nor does the Museum use a corn stove, burning a large stock of highly polished cobs that we'd rather not talk about again, thank you very much.

Yes, the Boeing 727 hanging from our balcony is indeed authentic. But please leave your belt on.

There is no entrance requirement to exchange dollars for "Pixie Bucks."

3.) The Mold-A-Rama colors are not "flavors."

(Legal disclaimer: Mold-A-Ramas are for external use only.)

True, the Museum's building was part of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. However, the five-story-tall domed theater was added much later. So it did not originate as a vaudeville theater for extremely tall, curved performers.

You see, we graduated a long time ago.